Includes Kindergarten, Pre-K, Preschool, and TK. Get ready for some dinosaur fun Can your child help Tina the T-Rex find her way to the watering hole Logic & Problem Solving Go to Dinosaur Week Maze Page. While young kids view coloring pages as nothing more than a fun activity, parents understand there are numerous benefits beyond just passing the time. This first and last day of school requires no prep. *UPDATE: Dates have been changed to the 2022-2023 school year. Plus, they are great tools to help children develop their fine. Coloring pages help kids learn their colors, inspire their artistic creativity, and sharpen motor skills. Coloring pages are great activities for all ages They are fun, creative, and therapeutic. Compare the first day to the last day to see all of their growth! A great keepsake! While young kids view coloring pages as nothing more than a fun activity, parents understand there are numerous benefits beyond just passing the time.

On the last day of school, have them color the last day of school coloring page. A fun first day of school and last day of school keepsake for your kindergarteners, Pre-K students, preschoolers, or TK Students!! On the first day of school, have your students color the first day of school coloring page.